Ride on Belfast
Designed to coax you out of your car and show you how simple, safe and stress-free cycling to work can be. The. Ride on Belfast meets each year at Queen’s University at 7.45am, pushing off at 8am – cycling through Belfast City centre and finishing up at Belfast City Hall for a FREE Breakfast!
Supported by @belfastcitycouncil

Meeting at the front of QUB 7.45am. Departing @8.00am
- Right into University Sq.
- Left onto Botanic Ave.
- Right onto University St
- Left onto Ormeau Ave
- On to Cromac St.
- On to Victoria St.
- Left into High St
- Left onto Donegal Pl.
- Arrive at City Hall.
Feeder Rides
Cyclists from various parts of Belfast meet up at these various points to ride to the start together. Feel free to join them.
East Belfast:
Meeting CS Lewis Sq 07.15am - leaving 07.30am
North Belfast:
Meeting Alexandra Park Gardens's gates 07.15am – leaving 07.30am
South Belfast:
- Meeting entrance to Knockbreda Cemetery on the Saintfield Road near Forestside Shopping Centre @ 07.15am, leaving at 07:30am
- Lagan Towpath Commuters meeting at old Coke factory at around 07.15am, leaving at 07:30am
West Belfast: